Feasibility Study - Vitamin D Loading Determination by Ftir-Atr
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop a simple and accurate way to measure vitamin D levels. Vitamin D nowadays is measured by a variety of methods which their common drawbacks are expensive equipment and the need for high trained technical staff. In this research we measured vitamin D levels by means of Fourier transform infra red method in conjugation with the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique, in order to develop a simpler vitamin D measurement method. Methods: Blood samples were collected from patients with vitamin D deficiency at five intervals before and up to 16 days after they took a dose of 200,000 IU vitamin DОпубликован
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СИМАНА, Е., СИМИАН, Р., ПОРТНОЙ, С., ЯФФЕ, А., & ДЕКЕЛЬ, Б. Ц. (2015). Feasibility Study - Vitamin D Loading Determination by Ftir-Atr. Информационно-управляющие системы, (3), 107-111. https://doi.org/10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.3.107
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